Dealing with endometriosis and its related issues is a challenge at the best of times, but now, in the age of COVID-19? ‘Non-essential’ procedures are being cancelled — like the laparoscopic excision many people wait months for — specialist appointments pushed, and many resources are being diverted to the front-line effort.
In this shared time of global trauma, there are increased pressures on already stretched telehealth and mental health systems across the country. Unfortunately, endometriosis doesn’t know (or care) that a pandemic has shuttered businesses and taken many health services online.
So, what are you supposed to do? We’ve compiled some virtual options should you find yourself in any of the scenarios below, and included Telehealth information for each province and territory.

Non-emergent health concerns
Perhaps you just need a prescription refill or have a strange new symptom that may be endo-related but it’s not serious enough for the ER.
First, try reaching out to your primary care provider (PCP) to find out if they are doing virtual or telephone appointments. Though their offices may be closed or on reduced hours, many clinicians across the country are offering these services to existing patients.
If this is not available to you, check out one of the options below:
- PurposeMed offers virtual consults that are free for Albertans and Manitobans (as of April 13) with provincial health coverage.
- coverHealth is a free virtual walk-in clinic for Ontarians that offers same-day appointments.
- GOeVisit is available to any Canadian citizen that holds a provincial health card for $10/month.
- Maple Health offers virtual physician appointments all over the country beginning at $49 per visit or $30/month.
- Tia Health is a similar platform that offers pricing options beginning at $30 for Canadians not in ON, BC or AB.

Mental health concerns
People with endometriosis are no strangers to the debilitating effects of depression and other mental health concerns, and piling a collective trauma on top of that means more of us than ever are looking for mental health support.
Again, many family medicine and community health clinics are offering virtual appointments for those in their area. If you have a regular counsellor that you speak with, try to find out how they’re supporting patients virtually.
Wellness Together Canada has an excellent platform to access mental health and substance use resources for individuals and families experiencing distress during these surreal times.
Hasu counselling is an online platform to access mental health services that may be covered by group insurance plans.
WE created a great digital toolkit to help support people experiencing COVID-19-related mental health concerns.
Both the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have provided suggestions and information for how to cope with mental health concerns during COVID-19.
Shoppers Drug Mart has partnered with SilverCloud Health to offer a free online stress management program with the code SHOPPERS.
If you or someone you know is in crisis
Crisis Services Canada
Call 1-833-456-4566, if busy, call 416-915-4566 (carrier charges may apply)
Text ‘Start’ to 45645
Quebec: Call 1-866-277-3553

Mind, body + well-being
It can be frustrating enough when there isn’t a global pandemic for someone to ask if you’ve tried yoga or meditation to help with endometriosis symptoms.
However, there are copious resources online right for any style of yoga or movement you want — including targeting pelvic pain, migraine headaches, and so much more.
Many yoga/fitness studios and instructors are taking to social media or Zoom (doesn’t it feel like we live on Zoom these days??) to offer livestream classes, guided meditations, and so much more.
Popular meditation app Headspace introduced a ‘Weathering the Storm’ collection that offers free meditations, sleep and movement exercises.
Some alternative medicine practitioners are also offering services online, including naturopathic medicine and pelvic floor physiotherapy. Ton top of continuing to treat patients virtually, many practitioners and clinics are also providing free content on their social media platforms via live videos that teach you how to keep caring for your health even in isolation.
Wellness Together Canada is offering mental health and substance use support for anyone finding this extra burden a little too much. They include excellent resources for individuals and families.
Tapping, also called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a holistic healing technique that’s been found to relieve a range of issues, including chronic pain, stress, and anxiety—to name a few. The Tapping Solution has an app with free tapping meditations to release stress and find balance in uncertain times.
Finally, and possibly most important, is to practice some extra compassion these days – for yourself and others. Dr. Kristin Neff has some wonderful techniques for cultivating self-compassion, which will come in handy as we all navigate this new normal together.
Telehealth resources by province
Click on your province below to be taken to their Telehealth information page