Endo Support Starts Here.

We are a compassionate, empowered community that supports the diverse needs of every unique endometriosis journey.

black backer

1 in 5 people with endo have lost or quit a job at some point during their life because of the disease

$2.5B is the estimated cost of endometriosis on the Canadian health care system per year

9 in 10 young people who miss school due to endo symptoms do so because their periods are too painful

Shine a Light on Endometriosis

As we embrace the spirit of community and giving this holiday season, we invite you to join us in making an impactful difference in the lives of millions of Canadians. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our month-long fundraising campaign to Shine a Light on Endometriosis. Our goal is to raise $25,000 to support and empower the 2 million people living with endometriosis in Canada. 

Your generous donation can truly change lives.

Understanding endometriosis

Your Endo Hub

Welcome to the EndoHub – your go-to resource for all things endometriosis. Whether you’re living with endometriosis, a caregiver, healthcare provider, educator, or employer, we invite you to explore the EndoHub to empower yourself and others affected by endometriosis. Knowledge is power.

What you need to know. Period.

This free menstrual health and endometriosis education program, designed for Canadian youth, is all about being open and honest about periods, breaking taboos, and making menstruation something we can all talk about — whether you get a period or not.